Meeting More of the PCSD Team

Who did you meet with today?

Today, I had the opportunity to meet with Stephanie Guerrero, a project manager, Jennifer Afdahl Rice, an executive director, Mary Grace Houlihan, a project director, Anna Johnson, a director of finance, and Akil Manley, a regional director.

Where do they work? What does the company do?

Everyone previously mentioned works at PCSD, which is a non-profit organization that helps charter schools find and develop facilities. PCSD is really unique because they are one of the few organizations that recycle their money. They help schools with low interest loans to which schools eventually pay PCSD back over time. 

What did you learn today? What were some highlights?

Today I got to learn about the background of some of the PCSD employees and their journey of how they got here. Anna had a law degree and had always worked within charter schools which led her to becoming a project manager, but after some time, she switched to become a finance director. On the other hand, Jennifer always knew that she liked math and wanted to help the community so she did so a couple years traveling in Africa where she worked on many loans for a while and she eventually found PCSD, which incorporated her desire for helping the community. Next, Mary Grace used to work in the public sector, transit to be specific, and now she is a Project Director which is less stressful than her previous job. In fact, she mentioned that this would be her retirement job because of how great it is. Next is Akil, and he actually graduated with a political science degree and told us his story about working with charter schools for 10 years. Then he taught us about the factors that PCSD looks at before deciding on a location for a school. 

Some highlights of the day included the advice that the PCSD team gave us. For example, Anna said, “people find their path in a lot of different ways”; which means that everyone’s path isn’t just one straight line and people have to manage their way through obstacles that get in their way. Similar to Anna, Akil said when “you’re not ok, it’s not over “ and “it’s your grind.” This means that it’s all about the work that you decide to put in. These specific quotes resonated with me because it goes to show that it doesn’t matter where you got your degree from or where you are from because both Anna and Akil studied something different from what they are currently working in, which goes to show that they are still growing and learning. 

What insights did you gain into the field of real estate development?

One of the key insights I gained was understanding what Akil takes into account when trying to find a new building for a school. For example, if it is convenient for both teachers and students, which involves looking at traffic and public transportation. That was only an example but there are many more factors that Akil and the PCSD team take into account.

Did you become more interested in the field after today?

After today’s experience, I found myself more interested and motivated in pursuing real estate after high school because of the exposure from today and the encouraging words that the team shared.